LV Blere company

LV Blere company press 200T
LV Blere company rubber roll mill
LV Blere company extruder 90mm
LV Blere company filter extruder

About LV Blere company

Before becoming Lescuyer & Villeneuve, our company was known as LV Bléré. Specialising in the manufacture of polymer processing machinery, LV Blere has built a solid reputation on its technical expertise and commitment to innovation. Today, under the Lescuyer & Villeneuve name, we are pursuing the same mission: to offer high-performance equipment tailored to the needs of industry, while remaining true to our historic know-how.

Just like LV Bléré, Lescuyer Inter Equipement, Technoloire, Syntact and Lescuyer Extrusion are all part of Lescuyer & Villeneuves long history.

Some archive images of LV Blere company...

... to refresh the memories of the older generation.

LV Bléré extrudeuse filtreuse
LV Bléré mélangeur à cylindres
LV Bléré double rubber baler press
LV Bléré extrudeuse 90mm

Do you own LV Blere equipment?

The purpose of this form is to help you maintain your Lescuyer & Villeneuve equipment.

In order for us to best respond to your needs regarding your equipment, the collection of certain information is necessary.

PS : Not all fields are mandatory.
Machine referencing