Nanomaterials Mixer

Mélangeur Nanomatériaux

Total process control while preserving the working environment

The Nanomaterials mixer was developed by Lescuyer’s teams in response to current and future issues. Indeed, the appearance of nanoparticle additives in rubber mixtures can be a concern for the well-being of operators when characterizing materials

The roller mixer is confined in an enclosure to control airborne particles

The additive addition and mixing phases are automated by means of a robotic arm and the Vomery mixing system from Lescuyer. This compact mixer can incorporate full instrumentation, including a thermal imaging camera

All Lescuyer cylinder mixers comply with the highest safety standards: NF EN 1417

Mélangeur Nanomatériaux
Mélangeur Nanomatériaux
bras robotisé Mélangeur Nanomatériaux